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Support the
Minnesota Star Tribune
Local News Fund

Support the Minnesota Star Tribune Local News Fund

Photo by Brian Peterson

Start Now: Join Our Founders Circle and Double Your Impact

Since its first day as the Minneapolis Tribune in 1867, the Minnesota Star Tribune has grown to become much more than just a newspaper. It is the fabric of our community. As we launch the Local News Fund, the first 1,867 donors will be enshrined in our history. Join our Founders Circle and receive an exclusive Strib gift and recognition. We have a match! Thanks to the generosity of the Taylor Foundation, your donation, and your impact, is doubled.
Help us reach our $500,000 goal by the end of 2024 to unlock these matching dollars.

Why Support the Minnesota Star Tribune?

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We’ve rebooted our company as the Minnesota Star Tribune, with a vision to create the leading model for local news in America. See more in the video above, and in this profile in the New York Times.

With disinformation and disconnection eroding public trust, the need for professional, local news sources is greater than ever. At the same time, the market for local news faces unprecedented challenges, leaving many areas in a “media desert.”

Subscription and advertising revenue alone can’t provide the resources needed for professional local journalism, so many news outlets – including the Minnesota Star Tribune – are turning to community funding, as well, where donations from individuals, institutions and businesses help extend the reach and capabilities of local news organizations.

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We’ve rebooted our company as the Minnesota Star Tribune, with a vision to create the leading model for local news in America. See more in the video above, and in this profile in the New York Times.

In the past 10 years, Minnesota lost
local newspapers
newspaper journalists
This mirrors national trends
70 M
Americans have one or fewer local news sources
3 M
Americans live in a county with no local news source

How Will Your Donation Make a Difference?

Building on a legacy of more than 150 years, and under the guidance of local ownership that is passionate about our state, the Minnesota Star Tribune is investing in the coverage of issues and topics that help more Minnesotans be heard, represented and informed.
Investigative Journalism

Minnesota needs trusted, in-depth public service journalism more than ever. The Star Tribune has a rich legacy and continuing commitment to hold powerful institutions and people accountable, making a difference in people’s lives and improving the quality of life for Minnesotans across the state.

Expanding Across Minnesota

Our reporting teams are broadening their coverage to encompass more of Minnesota – including rural areas and small towns across the state. And more journalists are based in communities around the state to better understand and reflect life in greater Minnesota.

Climate Reporting

Climate change is the most existential threat of our times. Minnesota is uniquely positioned to examine how efforts to combat emissions are playing out across a host of industries and efforts. Serious investigative and explanatory journalism can lift this issue for readers and help them make informed personal decisions, as well as highlight the ways Minnesota is leading – or falling behind – when it comes to combatting climate change.​

Meet Some of Our Journalists

The Minnesota Star Tribune has a vision and plan for creating a sustainable model for local journalism. It is reflected in our new name and brand and embodied in our new focus and investments – which are catching attention across the nation for bucking the overall local news trend. At its core, local journalism is driven by people – the reporters covering a story and the photographers capturing it. Your donation supports their work.

Don’t Wait, Give Today!

The trend in local journalism is challenging, but you can make a difference before it’s too late and promote an informed and engaged population in Minnesota. Donations are administered by the Minneapolis Foundation, which has been investing in causes of importance to our community since 1915, letting you give with confidence. Join Our Founders Circle: The first 1,867 donors ($25+) to support the Minnesota Star Tribune Local News Fund will receive an exclusive Founding Donor certificate or plaque, a special Strib gift and recognition in print.
Community Partner
Up to $999
First Amendment Friends
$1,000 +
Press Club
$5,000 +
Team Tribune
$10,000 +

Transparency Statement

Editorial Integrity: Fundraising Guidelines

The Minnesota Star Tribune’s commitment to ethical, community-funded journalism ensures that our reporting serves the public interest. We value the trust of our readers and remain steadfast in our mission to serve the public with accurate, unbiased and impactful journalism. We maintain strict editorial independence, and funders do not have any control over our content or editorial decisions. We are committed to transparency in funding; a list of contributors will be publicly available on our website.